A lot of people in the alternative healing community like everything to black and white:
Western medicine is bad.
Complementary therapies are good.
But if we look more deeply, we see that Western (allopathic) medicine is excellent at some things, particularly the more mechanical ones.
So if you get hit by a car, have broken bones and are bleeding, that isn't the time to go to your Reiki therapist.
Likewise, doctors can often perform miracles with surgery.
Where Western medicine doesn't always perform as well, however, is with medicines.
It also doesn't do as well when you can't directly pinpoint the part of the body that has a problem (like with depression, anxiety and the like).
And then there are all of the conditions Western medicine says there is no cure for, the ones it says you'll just have to learn to manage.
But what does this really mean?
All it means is that they can't find a solution with Western medical tools. It doesn't mean one doesn't exist.
Take any condition, and someone has healed from it. So it can be done. It's just finding a way.
Instead of admitting there is more to life than Western medicine understands, however, doctors very often simply put a label on the healing (like 'spontaneous remission' or 'spontaneous regression') and act as if it were a freak, random incident.
But life doesn't work like that.
There is cause and effect.
It's just that we don't always understand what the cause and effects are.
And this is where complementary therapies often step in. They tend to look at the body holistically.
They look at things more from a mind/body point of view.
They understand things in terms of energy.
They say that when health problems arise, there will generally be three key reasons (often as a result of a psychosomatic, i.e. mind/body cause):
1. A part of someone's body is energetically depleted.
2. A part of someone's body is energetically blocked(e.g. a chakra or meridian).
3. A part of someone's body is energetically unbalanced(e.g. an organ is no longer vibrating inside a healthy frequency range).
Of course, there is the fourth kind of issue (like a broken bone), where the root cause is something external to you. In this case, Reiki may help accelerate recovery (often working in tandem with Western medicine) by feeding that part of the body healing energy.
Having worked as a professional healer for the past 17 years, I have found that by working on energetically depleted, blocked, and unbalanced areas of the body, Reiki can often have healing success even where Western medicine fails.
Of course, at this point, I need to make the usual disclaimer. No one – me included – can make Reiki healing promises.
In fact, it wouldn't matter how much experience I had of Reiki doing wondrous things, I simply couldn't make any claims.
So, to be clear, I'm not making claims here (or in anything that follows), I'm just talking about my experience.
And what working with thousands of people has taught me is that Reiki can help a wide range of physical issues.
Or to avoid getting myself into trouble, let me say that after people learn or receive Reiki, they often, 'coincidentally', find their health conditions improving.
This may not have anything to do with the Reiki, but it's enough evidence to satisfy me.
To give you a few simple examples:
When my daughter was a baby, she sometimes suffered from a blocked nose and couldn't breathe. After placing my hands over her head for about five minutes, her nasal passages would typically clear (much to the amazement of her mum!).
I do lots of running and always used to have bad knees and shin splints. After learning Reiki, these disappeared.
A student of mine came to class with a bad case of Bell's Palsy. So bad, in fact, that she asked to cancel her enrolment several times (fortunately, I convinced her to still come along). Over the two days of the class, however, her symptoms disappeared, never to return!
My father was suffering from a bad case of shingles that medication didn't help. But after receiving Reiki, the shingles – and pain! – went away.
I could list so many similar things, and maybe they were all 'coincidences' (as I said, I'm not making any claims). But if they are coincidences, I like them!
So if you, a friend or loved one want help with an issue, I suggest Googling 'Reiki + the health condition' (e.g. 'Reiki and migraines') and seeing what comes up. If you find enough anecdotal evidence that Reiki might help, you might decide it is worth learning it, even if you can't find scientific case studies proving its effectiveness.
In the worst-case scenario, it doesn't heal your condition, but you will still enjoy some good meditation sessions.
If you're still skeptical about Reiki, it's worth remembering that it has now been taught for over 100 years. So if it was rubbish and didn't work on any level, it would've died out long ago.
And it certainly wouldn't have continued to grow in popularity!
If you are still hesitant but are tempted to do a course, then the Om Reiki Centre has a satisfaction guarantee (you'll find it on our Level 1 course homepage). So you never need fear our class won't live up to its promises!
If history is anything to go by, however, Reiki will be one the best investments (of time and money) that you ever make.
Certainly, that has been the case for me.
It's been my daily companion since I first learned it decades ago, and I love it as much now as ever.
If you have any questions, just call 0417 328 457 or write to info@omreiki.com.au.
Shine brightly.
Jeremy O'Carroll (Om Reiki Founder)
To find out more, call us on 0417 328 457 or write to info@omreiki.com.au
Happy healing!
Om Reiki Founder – Jeremy O’Carroll
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