Reiki Master Level Course, Reiki Level 3- Om Reiki Centre

Om Reiki Centre


TEL : 0417 328 457

Daylesford Reiki Master Level Course -
Feb. 7-9

Our Melbourne / Daylesford Reiki 3 / Master Level courses are for Reiki students who wish to take the final step towards evolving their personal practice and learning to teach.

Integrating the best features of both Western and Japanese (Usui) Reiki lineages, our Master Level Course provides students with a rare depth of understanding.

The fruit of many years research and practice by the Om Reiki Centre founder Jeremy O'Carroll, the course is for students who wish to become Reiki professionals and are willing to put in the work to develop the necessary skills.

Jeremy O'Carroll (the course trainer) has studied three different Reiki systems to Master Level (traditional Japanese [Usui], Western and Shamballa Reiki) from some of the world's best known Reiki teachers in India, Thailand, Australia and the USA.

He is also a Karuna Reiki ® Masters (a level only pre-existing Reiki Masters are eligible to take), a much praised teacher, and Teacher Member of the ARC, Australia's most important Reiki organization.

He has 17 years of Reiki teaching experience, and has trained over 300 Reiki Masters, many of them who have gone on to work with Reiki.

He is a former lecturer and tutor at the University of Melbourne, has been teaching Reiki full-time since 2007, and is the author of over 100 Reiki articles and one Reiki book: 'The Perfect Reiki Course – Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Class'..

He has also written two novels: Full Speed and (the soon to be released) Call of the Silver Cockatoo – novels about finding your true self amid the pressures and expectations of everyday life.

What's more, due to his training, Jeremy's Master Level course offers more detail than traditional Reiki 3 / Master Level courses. This gives students more tools to develop their practice.

Reiki Master Jeremy O'Carroll

The Master Level course includes all information that is sometimes broken down into Reiki 3a and 3b, or Reiki Master Practitioner / Reiki Master Level. It also equates with what in traditional Japanese Reiki is known as the Shinpiden level.

After the course, students will have the chance to gain experience participating alongside Jeremy in group environments to help develop confidence before opening their own practice.

The course certificate is recognised by the ARC (Australian Reiki Connection) and the Australian Association of Reiki Professionals.

in recognition of Jeremy's work, the Om Reiki Centre has recently been awarded 'Best Reiki Practice 2019 + 20 - Victoria and NSW' in the GHP Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health Awards.

Certificate for Best Reiki Centre in Victoria and New South Wales

To chat to Jeremy directly about the Reiki Master Level, call 0417 328 457.

Crane: symbol of healing and energy expansion
Tree Energy spiritual healing
Small silver Fern - said to promote healing
Small Inverted cherry blossom to decorate Reiki course studio

Upcoming Reiki Master Level Courses in 2024 & 2025

Instalment special: For all of our courses, we currently have 2, 3 and 5 monthly instalment options (and the total investment remains the same, no matter what option you choose). So you can get started for as little as $86. Simply click on the ‘enrol now button’ and select your preferred option.

Course Guarantee:All of our courses come with a unique satisfaction guarantee, so you never need fear you'll regret your decision to attend. (click here for details).

Master Level

Feb. 7-9

(Investment: $1675 or 5 X $335)

(3X or 5X monthly instalments)

Reiki Course enrolment button
Bamboo - a typical symbol of healing meditation

13 Reasons to Take Our Master Level Reiki Course:

1. You'll feel amazing afterwards! (In fact, many of our students report feeling the best they have felt in ages at the conclusion a course).

2. Three full days of small group instruction to ensure students fully grasp the advanced techniques taught.

3. Advanced Om Reiki techniques not taught elsewhere that will greatly expand the way you understand and use Reiki.

4. Attunement to additional Tibetan Master Level symbols.

5. Course certification that is recognized by the ARC (Australian Reiki Connection) and the Australian Association of Reiki Professionals.

6. Pre-course preparation. Using video materials, written materials, and communication with Jeremy, you'll be guided through your pre-course preparation to ensure you get the most from the course.

7. A detailed 21-day e-programme to consolidate and extend everything you have learnt.

8. Free access to our detailed Master Level Video Portal. This video portal contains videos on techniques covered, downloadable meditations, and important articles to improve your Reiki practice. If you haven't studied level 1 or 2 with us, we will also grant you access to our level 1 & 2 video portals.

9. High-tech chakra and energy readings from what, as far as Jeremy can tell, is the most advanced aura camera of its kind. By giving you a baseline at the beginning of the course, you will discover not just which areas (chakras, yin/yang balance, auric field etc.) need work, but also which techniques resonate best with you. You'll also witness the amazing improvements the techniques you learn have on your energy field.

10. Powerful Reiki techniques from both Western and traditional Japanese Reiki lineages.

11. Post course support. If you have any questions about your practice, Jeremy is always happy to chat to you about them.

12. 150+ page, original course manual.

13. Become part of more than one well recognized Reiki lineages that originate with Mikao Usui, Reiki's founder.

Bamboo leaves
Birds in trees provide healing music
Small Inverted cherry blossom to decorate Reiki course studio

Reiki Master Level Contents:

Our Master Course equips students with the tools necessary to teach Reiki at all levels. At its completion you will:

Be attuned to the Reiki Master Level (both levels 3a and 3b)

Be attuned to the Reiki Master Symbol. Learn how it will improve your ability to channel energy and enter the 'Great Bright Light'.

Know how to attune others to all Reiki levels. This is the crucial step in enabling you to set up your own practice.

Know several advanced Reiki meditation techniques to increase energy flow.

Know several advanced meditation techniques for increasing consciousness and energy.

Know several non-standard methods for giving Reiki, including the use of breath, the eyes and our unique third-eye technique.

Understand important strategies for working with clients - what to say, what to avoid.

Know how to conduct healing attunements (reiju). These can be used any time both to heal and improve a student's connection to Reiki.

Know how to conduct self-attunements.

Be familiar with psychic surgery.

Have practised advanced meditation using the Reiki symbols.

Have Learned how to connect to Reiki energy through mantras and chanting. These technique will truly surprise you if you commit to practising them. By themselves they can totally transform the way you connect to Reiki energy.

Learn the traditional Japanese method for doing distance Reiki.

Know techniques for connecting to 7 main chakras. This will help you achieve greater mental, physical and emotional balance.

Meditation tree

Have learnt about chakras outside the body and know techniques for connecting to both the Earth Star Chakra and the 8th Chakra.

Have learnt to use the Reiki precepts for radical change and healing.

Have revised and further developed important concepts covered in our Level 1 & 2 courses.

The course is held over three days, but all participants are expected to contact Jeremy afterwards to discuss their reiki progress and ask questions.

The Om Reiki Centre is committed to guiding students after Reiki courses and is well aware that this is often an area neglected by many centres.

After the course, students are encouraged to participate in a free 21-day Reiki e-programme. This will help reinforce all they have learnt during Reiki Level Master Level and strengthen their connection to the Reiki energy.

They will also have the opportunity to gain experience assisting Reiki 1 classes with Jeremy after the course.

Bamboo - a typical symbol of healing meditation
Small flying crane
Summer Cherry blossom from Mikao Usui's hometown
Bird twittering in tree for Reiki healing music

Reiki Course Certification

All participants will receive a course certificate from the Om Reiki Centre. This certificate is recognised by the ARC (Australian Reiki Connection) and the Australian Association of Reiki Professionals.

Membership of the ARC verifies that Jeremy O'Carroll (the course teacher) has a direct lineage back to the the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui.

Reiki Course Manual

Participants will also receive a Master Level Reiki manual (150+ pages) with notes on all key information covered in the course.

Aura Camera Energy Analysis

Jeremy's Reiki Master Level uses the state-of-the-art IES AuraCloud 3D Pro aura camera to provide a deeper understanding and analysis of all master level students' energy data.

The aura camera gathers information on your:

  • - Auric field
  • - 7 chakras
  • - Yin/yang balance
  • - Mind/body/spirit balance
  • - Emotional/energetic calmness
  • - Energy levels and,
  • - Relaxation levels
Reiki aura scan photo

It then summarizes your basic energy type and gives a written analysis of your strengths, challenges and opportunities.

Using this advanced technology, it will then become clear which areas you need to work on and which healing techniques and approaches serve you best.

Course Prerequisites

Level 1 + 2 Reiki (We accept students from all lineages and assist course preparation for anyone who has not previously studied with us. Naturally, online certificates don't count!)

A gap of + 6 months between level 2 and the starting date of the Master Level Course. (Note: Please contact us if you do not meet this criterion but still feel the time is right to attend our course. We consider all applications on their individual merits).

Note for Non-Om Reiki Students

We are happy for anyone who hasn't studied with us to study with us. We will help prepare you for the course, going over what we have covered in Level 1 and 2 and granting you access to our Level 1 and 2 video portal and level 2 e-course.

Small silver Fern - said to promote healing
Small Inverted cherry blossom to decorate Reiki course studio
Crane: symbol of healing and energy expansion
Tree Energy spiritual healing

Upcoming Master Level Courses

Feb. 7-9

Venue : Daylesford (Denver)

Course times:

Fri: 9.30am - 5.30pm

Sat: 9:15am - 6.30pm

Sun.: 9.15am - 5:30pm

Reiki Course Satisfaction Guarantee logo

My Reiki courses come with a 100% no-strings-attached satisfaction guarantee.

In fact, I'm so confident you will be delighted by what you learn that If you do the pre-course to prepare yourself (you’ll find it in the bonus video portal), come along to the course, see it through to the end (you have to attend both days), and for some remarkable reason aren't happy with what you learned, simply tell us at the conclusion of the final day, hand in your course materials (manual and certificate) and I'll happily refund your entire course fee! (Note, you can't ask for a refund further down the track).

To enrol, simply click on the 'Add to Cart' button below.

(*Click here for cancellation / change of date policy)

Cherry Blossom for Healing Festival

Master Level

Feb. 7-9

Venue: Daylesford (Denver)

(Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll)

1 X Monthly Instalments

Investment: $1675

(3X or 5X monthly instalments)

Master Level

Feb. 7-9

Venue: Daylesford (Denver)

(Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll)

2 X Monthly Instalments

(2 X $837.5 = 1675)

Master Level

Feb. 7-9

Venue: Daylesford (Denver)

(Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll)

3 X Monthly Instalments

(3 X $558.33 = 1675)

Master Level

Feb. 7-9

Venue: Daylesford (Denver)

(Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll)

5 X Monthly Instalments

(5 X $335 = 1675)

See below for course refund policy.

Tel: 0417 328 457

More 2024 Master Level Dates

Feb. 7-9

Venue : Daylesford (Denver)

Reiki Courses Refund Policy

Although we offer a full-refund satisfaction guarantee for those who attend our Master Level course, we do not offer a refund if you change your mind about our course without attending it. If you give us two weeks' notice, however, we will be happy to alter the date of your course.

If you wish to change dates between 13-3 days before the course, you will be charged a $100 change-of-date fee.

We cannot change the date of the course if we are given 2 or less days.

So if you decide to enrol, commit to coming, be there rain, hail or shine. There is great power in that, and it will ensure you have an amazing experience.

Remember: after enrolling, doubts sometimes come up. This is normal. Your ego - your small self - is not just afraid of change, it knows that Reiki will create change! It knows how powerful it is. So if your ego resists, laugh at it and trust the intuition, the inner guidance or inspiration that had you enrol in the first place. It will never fail you.

Reiki healing amid bamboos?
Small flying crane

© 2022 Om Reiki Center. All Rights Reserved.
