Om Reiki Centre


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Should You Learn Reiki Before Taking a Naturopathy Course?

If you take a good naturopathy course, it will have the potential power to change not just your life, but the lives of many others.

But what if there was a way to get even more from your naturopathy course?

What if you could invest a single weekend and have an additional tool to dramatically supercharge your naturopathy work?

Well there is such a way, and that way is Reiki.

So if you want to get the most out of a Melbourne naturopathy course, if you want to become a professional healer with the tools to deeply impact the lives of your clients, then read on, for in this article, we’ll explore how Reiki give you a competitive healing edge.

Understanding Reiki

Reiki is a healing technique that teaches practitioners to channel chi (energy) to replenish areas of the body that are low in energy, clear energy blocks in the chakras and other parts of the body, and balance and harmonize any energy in the body that is unbalanced.

When energy in our body is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stress. When it is blocked, our body will struggle to heal itself, and when it is unbalanced, we are likely to suffer from both physical and emotional issues.

So Reiki can create powerful energetic shifts that will radically enhance all of the work naturopaths do.

The Complementary Nature of Reiki and Naturopathy

Reiki can enhance naturopathy in a number of ways. In particular:

  • Stress Reduction: Both practices emphasize stress reduction, but Reiki offers a unique approach through energy work.
  • Enhancing the Body's Self-Healing: By replenishing the body with energy, Reiki can stimulate its natural healing abilities, something that will enrich all of your naturopathy work.
  • Emotional and Mental Health: By calming the mind and dissolving stress, Reiki addresses emotional and mental aspects, further strengthening the holistic approach that naturopathy advocates.
  • Detoxification: Both therapies aid in detoxifying the body, but Reiki adds an energetic dimension to this process – something that will both amplify and accelerate it.
  • Chronic Conditions: Reiki can be particularly effective in managing chronic conditions, particularly those with a mind/body (or psychosomatic) connection. By working on mind, body and spirit, Reiki will add an extra layer of healing to complement your naturopathy work.
  • Preventative Healthcare: Both practices emphasize prevention, with Reiki offering a concrete tool for keeping the body’s energy clear, balanced, and vibrant.

A Holistic Approach to Healing

Reiki and naturopathy share a common goal: to treat the whole person – body, mind, and spirit.

This holistic approach acknowledges that all aspects of a person's being are interconnected and that true healing occurs when each aspect is addressed.

Reiki not only teaches you to channel chi for powerful healing, it also offers a unique approach to dealing with emotional blocks and mental stress, aspects that are often overlooked in traditional naturopathy (see our Reiki course page for more information on this).

So it's not just about supplementing naturopathic treatments; it's about enhancing the overall healing journey of the patient.

Japanese Reiki Cherry Blossom
Birds playing in trees
Small Inverted cherry blossom to decorate Reiki course studio
Fern to decorate Reiki Class Studio
Bamboo Bird Reiki Music

Energy Balancing

Reiki's energy balancing aspect is about harmonizing the body's chakras (i.e. main energy centres). This process is crucial for maintaining physical, emotional, and mental health.

By mastering energy balancing techniques, naturopaths can offer their clients an added layer of healing, tackling issues from a different, yet complementary, angle.

Why Naturopathy Students Should Learn Reiki

For students looking to take a Melbourne naturopath course, learning Reiki offers several concrete benefits:

  • Skill Diversity: It equips them with a broader range of techniques to address various health concerns.
  • Holistic Care: Students learn to provide a more rounded approach to healthcare, ensuring all aspects of a patient's well-being are addressed.
  • Competitive Edge: In a city known for its holistic health scene, having Reiki skills sets them apart in the job market.
  • Another source of revenue: Those who learn Levels 1 and 2 Reiki can work professionally with Reiki, thus equipping themselves with another tool to attract clients and earn income. In general, you’ll find that if you do a good job with one of the two modalities, your clients will be interested in trying the other.


Reiki's role in naturopathy is not just complementary, it's transformative. So whether you are a student or practitioner, embracing Reiki offers a pathway to deeper healing and a more comprehensive understanding of health and wellness.

As the demand for holistic healthcare grows (especially in places like Melbourne), integrating Reiki into your naturopathy will help differentiate and elevate you above other naturopathy practitioners.

So if you either plan to take a naturopathy course or have already taken one, consider adding Reiki to your healing toolkit.

Few things will make such a significant difference to your healing work for such a small investment of time and money.

For a detailed description of our Reiki courses (and their benefits), take a look around our site, in particular our Reiki courses homepage.

Our site offers extensive resources and detailed insights into how Reiki can complement and enhance naturopathic practices, especially for those seeking to deepen their understanding and skills in holistic health.

Birds playing in trees
Small Inverted cherry blossom to decorate Reiki course studio
Fern to decorate Reiki Class Studio
Small Inverted cherry blossom to decorate Reiki course studio
Bamboo - a typical symbol of healing meditation

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