Om Reiki Centre


TEL : 0417 328 457

Do Negative People and Places Drain You of Energy?

Have you ever chatted with one of your needy friends who, after dumping all of their crapola on you for an hour, ends the conversation by smiling and saying how much better they feel?

You nod. They leave. And you feel as flat as a popped balloon.

It's like all the energy has been sucked out of you.

Like they have slurped all of the life out of you.

Or what about trips to shopping centres? To Chadstone? How do they make you feel in rush hour?

You know what I'm talking about, the times when you are shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people and they are all stressed out from work and emotional crises. And when you eventually escape to the safety of your home, you feel as though someone has just dumped a truckload of slime on you.

Sound familiar?

And then how about work?

Teaching. Nursing. Hospitality. Corporate jobs.

How is the energetic drain in such places?

For many people, it is all too easy to get affected by the negative energy or simple 'neediness' of such workplaces, and then, if we're not careful, we can easily take this energy home with us.

This affects our relationships with our kids, our partner, our loved ones, and as much as we hate this, we often haven't figured out a way around the issue.

Of course, some highly sensitive people simply do their best to avoid the energy-sucking friends, the shopping centres, the negative work environments and places.

They stay at home as much as possible and are highly selective about what they do and where they go.

Meditation tree

But, when you think about it, this isn't a great way to live. It might be better than the alternatives you know of, but it's hardly ideal. 

You want to enjoy all life has to offer. 

You don't want to need to hide away.

To combat such issues, some people try to 'protect' themselves.

They visualize cords of energy anchoring them in the ground.

They surround themselves in light.

They do hundreds of other increasingly fancy techniques, but at the end of the day, these people typically still get 'slimed' and still hate going into crowded places or speaking to their needy friends.

Why is this?

How can people who are often – in many ways – spiritually advanced (think of psychics and the like) still get into energetic trouble like this?

The answer is that when you try to protect yourself, you focus on the negative!

Since what you focus on grows, you tend to still get slimed despite your defensive techniques.

This then makes you worry more about getting slimed, which makes you focus more on the negative, which means you get even more slimed until, eventually, your only option is remaining in the safety of your own home!

The Solution

I'd like to say all Reiki courses help with such things, but sad to say, they generally don't.

I took many Reiki classes with many teachers over many years, and none of them helped with my energetic sensitivity.

Indeed, it was only after becoming a Reiki Master that I learned the authentic, traditional Japanese Reiki and finally discovered the missing piece.

I learned that instead of trying to 'protect' myself, I needed to create a stronger energetic foundation in myself.

I needed to become more like a mountain.

The mountain doesn't need fear the storm.

It doesn't need to hide underground or in a cave.

Rather, it can stay open to the elements, open to the wind and rain and lightning because it is a mountain.

It is solid. 


And the storms can't harm it.

Rather, it can even enjoy being invigorated by the elements.

When we build a solid, energetic platform within ourselves, when we learn to stay grounded, then we need not worry about 'protecting' ourselves.

After that, we can focus on the good things and, as a result, attract more of them.

Japanese Reiki Cherry Blossom
Crane: symbol of healing and energy expansion
Birds playing in trees
Crane: symbol of healing and energy expansion
Fern to decorate Reiki Class Studio
Bamboo Bird Reiki Music
Tree Energy spiritual healing

The Twin Pillars to Create a Strong Energetic Foundation

In our Reiki classes, you'll learn several techniques for connecting to both the base chakra and the hara (a key energy centre in classical Japanese Reiki, which lies just beneath the navel).

Through a combination of meditations and Reiki hands-on healing, you'll strengthen these energy centres and, in time, become comfortable mixing in what were previously toxic environments.

You'll also find that you can hang around your needy friends without getting the life sucked out of you.

And if you do Reiki 2 with us, you'll even learn a technique for sending Reiki energy to your needy friends so that they can still have an energetic feed (and thus feel better), but never drain you.

So if you are sensitive to energy, if you find yourself getting drained or 'slimed', our courses can help.

If you have any questions about this, just write or call 0417 328 457

(Article by Jeremy O'Carroll)

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Crane: symbol of healing and energy expansion
Fern to decorate Reiki Class Studio
Bamboo Bird Reiki Music

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