The Two Potent Keys to Creating a Beautiful Environment

Om Reiki Centre


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The Two Potent Keys to Creating a Beautiful Environment

“As above, so below. As within, so without.”

At the beginning of my level 1 Reiki courses, I guide students through a meditation where they connect to their energy bodies and expand their awareness.

The meditation is a revelation for many because it demonstrates how our true Self stretches out far beyond the confines of our physical body.

From both a scientific (quantum physics) and energy worker perspective, this is not surprising; but it is nevertheless easy to forget that we are, in essence, expansive energy fields that interact with the world around us – a world that is itself a collection of expansive energy fields.

As a result, it’s not surprising that other people’s energy can affect us, and we all know what it is like to be in ‘bad’ company – around those people with so-called ‘negative’ energy. Such people are like a ‘gravitational field’ pulling us down.

This ‘gravitational field’ can, of course, work for good and bad, and we will tend to get energetically pulled towards the ‘energy average’ of those around us – a big problem if our personal energy state is of a higher vibration than the people we mix with.

We see this phenomenon clearly at riots and rallies, where normally calm people suddenly lose their head.

They get sucked into the energy ‘current’ of the group and find themselves doing as the group does, committing violent acts and the like – even when this is completely foreign to their everyday nature.

Of course, this is not a new observation, but few people truly consider an extension to this: that our physical environment also affects us – often just as much as other people do.

If you doubt this, think of the difference between strolling through a beautiful forest for a day and getting stuck for the same length of time in a smelly rubbish dump.

Or imagine the difference between sitting in a meditation hall and a seedy pub.

One place uplifts us energetically – the other pulls us down.

Our Expanded ‘Body’

To avoid being unconsciously affected by our environment, I suggest we consider it as an extension of our body – as a part of who we are.

This will immediately shift our attitude towards it, helping us to notice – and care about – the impact it has on us.

There are two keys to understanding the effect our environment has on us: what I call vibrancy and flow.

An object or place’s energy vibration determines its vibrancy (and the higher it is, the more positive its effect on us).

Its energy vibration is the result of two factors: an object or place’s innate energy, and the way this object or place has been affected by its environment over time.

To better understand this latter point, imagine buying two identical crystal necklaces at a pawnshop. One of them has been worn for twenty years by a stressed and angry person, the other for twenty years by a saint. Both necklaces started off with the same innate energetic qualities, but they will now have a very different effect on their wearer.

So the vibrancy of an object or place is a result of its innate qualities and the quality of the environmental energy it has absorbed over time.

But there is more to the impact our environment has on us than this. Because for our environment to be healthy, we also need the energy in it to flow well.

Consider fresh water in a river. While it flows along with the current, it will stay good to drink; but if it stagnates too long in a river bend, or if the river dries up and stops flowing, then this good water will typically go bad.

Or simpler still, consider the difference between a living room cluttered one week with boxes and papers and chairs and tables, and another week with only a few pieces of well-positioned furniture.

Even if we imagine the vibrancy of the cluttered objects to be as high as the few pieces of well-positioned furniture, the energetic impact of these two scenarios will differ enormously.


The study of the energetic impact your environment has on you is more or less the study of feng shui, but for the most part, we don’t need experts to explain the effect our environment has on us; we just need to open up our awareness and feel the world around us.

Then, once we have a ‘feel’ for our world (environment), we need to do what we can to take care of the vibrancy and flow of its energy.

Ideally, we would treat this energy as if it were a part of our body.

We would nurture it.

We would love it.

Because if we do this, we will find that our environment soon becomes our ally and, in time, may even help us cultivate the inner harmony needed for our next big ‘shift’.

(Article by Jeremy O’Carroll)

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